Breaking the Stigma of Seeking Out Couples Therapy
Breaking the Stigma of Seeking Out Couples Therapy
Hello again friends! Today we want to share with you the obstacles that people face when seeking out treatment and breaking the stigma of seeking out couples therapy.
Now, envision this with me…you are driving your nice car, but never gave it an oil change or tune-up, then in the middle of rush hour on I-4 your car just stops running! The horror of being stranded, the inconvenience of having to call road assistance, get a tow truck, go to the mechanic, get the exorbitant bill for repairs and get a rental car on top of that! Our relationships are like our cars, we need to give them maintenance work if we want to prevent a full blown engine rebuild.
What holds people back? These are a few of the reasons we hear in our office and ways in which we challenge these in order to break the stigma:
What holds people back? These are a few of the reasons we hear in our office and ways in which we challenge these in order to break the stigma:
“I’m going to be judged”…although trust is earned, I’m asking you to trust us. We have been in your shoes, we have lived through the messy parts of relationships, we have loved, made mistakes, asked for forgiveness and continue working on our relationships as hard as you are working on yours. There are no perfect relationships, not even the therapist’s…remember that!
“In this house we stay private, we don’t air our dirty laundry in public!” Shame is a powerful emotion, but sometimes by opening up we can actually get to the root of the issues and our treatment plans can actually work toward improving the relationship. Plus, we adhere to privacy and confidentiality, so your “dirty laundry” is airing in a safe place, a place of trust, a place of empathy.
“The therapist will take sides”…a well trained and empathic therapist will listen, will help you process, will help the two of you to put yourselves in each other’s shoes, but will not and cannot pick sides. When a person picks sides, it’s actually called triangulation and it doesn’t serve the purpose of healing. We remain neutral, open to exploring options, willing to discover what works for the relationship.
"It’s expensive or it will cost too much”. It is much better to be proactive and pay for a workshop, a package of sessions while you are clear headed and can get the full benefits of the conversations that take place in couple’s therapy, than have to pay for extended sessions because you are in crisis mode and your mind can’t function clearly. When in that crisis fog, it’s more difficult to put skills into practice.
We honor your desire to improve your relationship through vulnerability, openness, empathy and compassion. Dare to be brave, dare to break the stigma! Give us a call at 813.434.3639 to schedule your appointment or to sign up for our September couple’s intensive workshop. Let us be your home for hope, growth and healing!
Well, those are the most common objections to couple’s treatment. They are stigmas that we learn in the narratives passed down from our family of origin, our friends, and society at large. The stigmas are based on fear and shame, not on facts. This is why we wanted to share these tips for breaking the stigma of seeking out couples therapy!
Yiara Blanco, Psy.D
Get the support that you and your partner deserve! Dr. Yiara Blanco offers Couples Therapy Sessions to help you deepen your relationship. Premarital sessions are also available, to prevent relationship problems from taking root to begin with. Our Couples Communication Workshop teaches foundational communication skills so that you can deepen your relationship and connect more intimately. Ready to take action? Call 813-434-3639 to schedule an appointment!