Tips for Quality Time in Your Relationship
Tips for Quality Time in Your Relationship
We all desire to have quality time in our relationships. We want our time together to “feel significant.” With a little practice, quality time is very achievable in your relationship. Here are four tips for quality time in your relationship.
1. Quality over quantity.
Quality time is just that, quality. We are not talking about quantity here. We are all busy, and can all come up with a million reasons not to spent time together, it is easy to make it the last thing on your todo list.
Quality time with your partner has to be at the top of the priority. Don’t give it your left overs.
It’s not sitting on your phones not talking in the same room or space. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but should be a bit engaging. Both of you should be present, and that brings to focus on quality.
2. It is intentional.
By quality I am saying the time is intentional and focused. You should focus on the being together.
The time is engaging and you both interact. It sounds strange, but you really have to intend to have quality time. If you are not intentional, that time can end up looking like a Friday night trip to the grocery store (hint, that is not quality time).
3. It includes “retreats”.
Getting away is important for relationships. It doesn’t have to be far, but it should be together and it should be something that pulls you away from the daily grind.
Taking a retreat for your relationship is one of the best ways to get quality time.
Maybe this looks like a day trip together somewhere, or a weekend away.
4. It should also include some play.
Nothing breaks down barriers better than play in your relationship.
Doing adventures together, taking a hike together, paddle boarding together are all examples of play in your relationship
These tips for quality time in your relationship are the beginning to reconnecting. But what should you and your partner talk about during this time?? Let us help with that piece. Our Couples Communication Workshop, led by Harper Therapy Co-Founders and Couples Coaches Shamon and Yolanda Harper, can help you build your communication skills in one day.
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