Trauma and Accelerated Resolution Therapy and EMDR Therapy
Our highly specialized Accelerated Resolution Therapy and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) allows you to heal from difficult experiences without having to relive them over and over again. ART and EMDR are eye movement therapies that are different from traditional talk therapy. You’ll find relief from the memories that play on a loop in your brain. And you don’t have to talk in detail about what happened.
Anxiety Therapy for Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and more
You go to work, spend time with your kids and spouse and through it all, you can only think about how you can hardly stand to be still. The anxiety makes you want to crawl out of your skin and you’re always looking for the nearest door so that you can make a run for it. Your heart never stops racing. There is an elephant sitting on your chest and it is becoming heavier to the point where you just live your life waiting for the next moment you can go to sleep. But then, when that moment comes, sleep is replaced by the hamster wheel in your brain and the nightmares that rattle you awake.
You’ve always thought that Post-traumatic Stress Disorder was something that combat Veterans or Police Officers get. You can understand how survivors of violent assault or natural disasters would end up with PTSD. The things that have happened to you aren’t nearly that “bad”. But when you hear people who’ve lived through those experiences talk, you see a familiar haunting look in their eyes. Could it be that what you’re experiencing is PTSD?
Harper Therapy helps individuals, couples, teens - families - who have survived some of the hardest life experiences through trauma counseling, depression therapy, anxiety help and more from our offices in Lutz, Florida near Tampa.
In just a few sessions, our hope is that you will no longer relive those nightmares and be controlled by the events that led to them. We will help you finally sleep through the night again and feel more comfortable in your own skin. Then, you’ll be able to reconnect with the people who are most important to you – your partner, your kids, your friends.
What is Trauma & Accelerated Resolution Therapy:
During session, we sit facing one another and your therapist will use their hand to guide your eyes in moving side to side while asking you to think of your problem in the context of a “scene”. You will alternate between playing through your “scene” for short periods of time and using eye movement to calm physical sensations and emotions that arise when you think of your problem.
As your brain processes through the problem with eye movements, the way you think and feel about the problem begins to naturally shift. Most people appreciate this level of relief, but we continue to process until the problem no longer has a negative effect on you. (Yes, that is possible)
One of the parts of ART therapy that many people find to be their favorite, is that you do not have to talk in detail about your problem. Certainly, you are free to share as little or as much detail as you’d like, but for many people who have experienced unspeakable things in their life, having the option of not having to talk may be preferable.
Meet Yolanda
True confession: I’m a perfectionist. I’m attempting to be a recovering perfectionist, but those tendencies are ingrained and will take some time to diminish. As a perfectionist, I don’t like the “fall”. A fall means things aren’t perfect, I made a mistake, or at the very least, things didn’t go the way I intended.
Meet Elaine
My hope for you is that one day you will be able to look at yourself and see all that you have overcome, as well as seeing yourself through a lens of kindness, curiosity, and compassion. You can do this! The fact that you are here, exploring these resources tells me that you have everything you need to be successful. You are worthy of the life you desire."
Meet Julie
I see you, carrying silent judgement about yourself, feeling unsafe in the world, and holding shame about who you believe yourself to be, never feeling quite good enough. I see you, the compromises you make and the ways you try to cope and escape those feelings.
Your free consultation
Accelerated Resolution Therapy in Lutz, Florida
Maybe you still have questions about ART, or are skeptical. Completely understandable! Let’s talk. We’d be happy to specifically address your questions and concerns. Even better, come into the office for a session and experience the eye movements for yourself. That experience is usually the buy-in for people, and we’ll give you instructions on how to use the eye movements at home — not to process problems, but to calm physical sensations, intense emotions (think increased heart rate, muscle tension, heaviness in chest, etc), and to help with sleep.