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Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
The more significant your trauma, and the more of it (compound trauma), exponentially affects brain development, the immune system, hormonal systems, and even the way our DNA is read and transcribed (replicated).
Grief and the Holidays
When most people think about grief, they think the loss of a person. Grief is so much more than that. Grief can be the loss of a relationship, of a job, or even the loss of a hope or dream. We have a right to grieve anything that we lose.
Addressing The Elephant In The Room: Domestic Violence During the Holidays
Domestic violence happens in all types of households. Your education level, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, gender, religion does not matter…domestic violence happens, and if you are living through it, we want to let you know that it is not a sign that you are weak, or that you are bad, or that you are to blame.
The Burnout of Trauma
The push harder-get things done-grit your teeth and get through it way has taken a toll. And that toll has been inflated through the past two years. There’s only so much more that your body will take of this way of handling the hard things in life.
Is It Abuse If My Partner Does Not Hit Me?
Emotional abuse leads to lower self-esteem, depression, isolation, and doubting your own reality.