Overcome Anxiety by Focusing on what matters most -- Values and Priorities.
Can we be honest in this space, ladies?? I mean, like, "are we really allowed to say that out loud?" honest? Because we are talking about how to overcome anxiety by focusing on what matters most, right? And this is part of the conversation.ok, here goes...Have you ever been in the middle of doing something and become overwhelmed with feelings of frustration. Or resentment. Or being totally pissed off.Why am I stuck in the nursery at church again?Why is the school having another bake sale? Isn't there a better way to raise money than me baking another three dozen cupcakes?Why am I stuck with this crap work assignment? Again?Why am I having lunch with this "friend"? She's always so negative to be around!Have you ever noticed that everyone wants everything from you? Seriously, in all parts of your life, you're expected to give 110%. To your job. To your partner. To your kids. To your friends. It's no wonder we feel so overwhelmed when everything expects to be top priority!And that leaves absolution no time or energy for you. So you get lost in the mix, again.
So let's cut to the chase about how to overcome anxiety by focusing on what matters most.
[embed]https://youtu.be/kVyWHptrtxA[/embed]Remember how we talked before about recognizing how used we are to "being busy" and our crazy unrealistic expectations of ourselves? Those things totally get triggered when we face a world that screams for our undivided attention, so it's more important than ever to get clear on our values and priorities.But what does that look like? Most of us don't even realize that this is an option for our lives, and we certainly don't know how to figure these things out!It's important to establish what matters most to you so that you can spend your time in these areas. In order to be healthy, we need to have a balance in all areas of our lives. Dr. Dan Siegel identifies these areas in his Healthy Mind Platter:
Focus Time: Goal-oriented Tasks
Play Time: Spontaneity, creativity, play
Connection Time: Time with our "tribe"
Physical Time: Move your body!
Time In Time: Self reflection, meditation
Down Time: Non-focused. Simply relax!
Sleep Time: We give our brains and bodies the rest they need.
Have you taken time lately to look at where you spend your time and if this is in alignment with your priorities? Energy goes where attention flows, so by spending time in the areas that are lacking for us, we can feel more balanced and energized.
Overcome anxiety by focusing on what matters most -- Core Values
overcome anxiety by focusing on what matters most
An even more important exercise is to get clear on your values. Take a look at the following list of Core Values, from Dr. Brené Brown's Daring Way™ work. Choose the top two or three values. Then take a look at the actives in your day to day life and see which ones most align with these values and which ones move you out of being connected with those values.When we are honest enough to take a close look at what is most important to us, and then courageous enough to take action in these areas, we become trailblazers to our community, inviting those around us to do the same. But it takes support for each of us. If you are anxious, overwhelmed, and frustrated, schedule your appointment with Alina today to start bringing clarity to your life!